Feeding Texas is an equal opportunity employer. In addition to positions found on this page, you can browse openings at food banks in Texas and across the nation via the Feeding America website.

Client Empowerment Corps

Feeding Texas seeks energetic, community-minded applicants for AmeriCorps*VISTA positions located throughout the state.

The Feeding Texas Client Empowerment Corps is an innovative new initiative designed to empower food bank clients by building partnerships that address the upstream, economic causes of hunger as well as the downstream, health consequences of hunger. Clients are further empowered through a statewide story-banking initiative that encourages them to add their unique voices to the public conversation about hunger in Texas.

Apply here for open positions.


We recruit graduate students from Austin-area universities for fall, spring and summer internships (including stipends). Email us for more information or to submit your resume for consideration.

We also consider individual or classroom-based proposals for specific volunteer projects. Email us to learn more about our current needs.