Feeding Texas works to raise the bar in the hunger-fighting community by creating pathways for innovation, spaces for collaboration and shared standards. We intend to keep improving until hunger is behind us.

Raising the Standard

Feeding Texas is committed to spreading common-sense metrics for the quantity and quality of services we provide struggling Texans. Targets such as the "Texas One Goal" - a commitment to distribute an additional 390 million pounds of food statewide by 2018 - help our fook banks keep the goalposts in sight as they focus on crafting local solutions.

Answers Among Us

Lubbock knows things Houston doesn't, and vice versa. We work with our food banks to identify innovations and efficiencies that can be applied across the charitable food system. Whether it's a faster ordering system, a clever outreach strategy or a new relationship, Feeding Texas provides ongoing opportunities for food bank professionals to network and exchange their best ideas.

Scaling What Works

Statewide initiatives are where innovation takes flight. Our popular Hunters for the Hungry program organizes the donation of thousands of pounds of game to local pantries. Our Americorp*VISTA program spreads the lessons of food banks who have pioneered health and financial services to families across Texas. Our leadership in statewide groups like the Texas Food Policy Roundtable and Partnership for a Healthy Texas ensures that these advocates benefit from our on-the-ground perspective and hunger policy expertise.

Mobilizing During Disaster

Anytime a natural or man-made disaster afflicts Texas, food banks are on the front lines providing relief. When a disaster is too much for one food bank to handle, Feeding Texas steps in to coordinate with the state and other providers so that relief reaches families quickly and the "second disaster" of an unorganized response is avoided.